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Aspiro Capital Campaign

Beyond Expectations

The Aspiro capital campaign is most important building blocks of our client's future.

Parents are their child's first and most important teacher and a vital part of the Early Intervention team.  Because our program is designed to stimulate the child's ability to learn within the context of the family, visits take place in an environment familiar to the child - their home, daycare, etc.

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Building a pathway to help our clients reach beyone expectations

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Workers with disabilities are accompanied by an Aspiro staff member to a job site.  The staff member provides job coaching, prompting and cues if needed.  They do not replace the duties of the business assigned work supervisor.  Workers report to Aspiro each day and are transported to and from the job site.


The number of workers at each GSE site can range from 3-8 people. They work 4-6 hours per day at minimum wage or above.



Aspiro has numerous GSE sites throughout the area performing a variety of different job duties including light manufacturing, packaging, housekeeping, food service, warehouse, assembly or customized work along with numerous other options. 


The business receives a reliable and qualified team of workers and the individuals gain work experience toward their goal of community integrated employment and increase their independence and self-esteem.  Through their work they also contribute to the economy and play a vital role in the fabric of our community.




Workers with disabilities are accompanied by an Aspiro staff member to a job site.  The staff member provides job coaching, prompting and cues if needed.  They do not replace the duties of the business assigned work supervisor.  Workers report to Aspiro each day and are transported to and from the job site.

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Ryan R, President

Dear Friends of Aspiro,


I recently read the program for the dedication of the Dousman facility in 1967. A part of the message read, “With your help we have made these first giant steps. With your help we shall continue.”


Our founding families came together with a singular purpose: to build an organization whose mission was to help people with disabilities exceed all expectations. They succeeded in every way. They forged partnerships, developed services, created awareness, and built a facility that heralded as one of the first of its kind at the time. 


Today, as we stand on their shoulders, we must address the needs of a building that has long outlived its lifespan. We, too, must take some giant steps. With your generous support, we can ensure that Aspiro’s facilities, resources, and programs continue to provide life-changing opportunities.


The families and clients of Aspiro are counting on us—and counting on you. Join us as we honor the legacy of our founders and once again go Beyond Expectations.


Thank you for being part of this journey. With your help, we shall continue.

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Rick, Chairperson

Aspiro has been an integral part of our family since my brother Larry began receiving services in 1979. If you don’t know Larry, he has special needs and is a passionate sports enthusiast. At Aspiro, you’ll often find him playing basketball in the gym, on the softball field, enjoying outings for bowling and swimming, and attending special trips to sporting events.  His favorite teams are the Packers, Brewers, Badgers and Bucks.  Every Friday, he also takes to the stage in the Aspiro gym to sing karaoke.  A go-to song for him is "Song Sung Blue" by Neil Diamond. The common theme with me and Larry is that neither of us can sing or, least of all, remember the words.


As you can see, Aspiro is a significant part of his life and ours – a significance that can’t be overstated. This is why I have stepped up to chair the Beyond Expectations campaign and why I am asking for your support. Aspiro is a second home and a second family for the people they serve. Our family has peace of mind knowing Larry is happy in a safe, engaging, and fun environment.  Because of Aspiro and its staff, he sees he is no different from others.

Aspiro has always impressed me by having the absolute best, most caring, loving staff we could imagine.  They do this out of love for the clients. Aspiro has been at the center of Larry’s world for over 40 years.  It is a place where he and other clients continue learning, can get help finding a job, participate in art, music and athletic programs, and practice important skills for daily living. I find it unimaginable what Larry and others would do all day without Aspiro. 

Please join me in supporting the Beyond Expectations campaign to ensure Aspiro continues to be there for all the families who need them.


Nicole Hoffmann, VP Development


To send your gift for the capital campaign either

- click on the link below

- email Nicole at

- mail a check payable to Aspiro, Attention Nicole:
       Aspiro, 1673 Dousman Street, Green Bay, Wi 54303

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